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Driving to Belgium? Here are the best fuel price on this route

Recommended transit routes from Macedonia

A frequent destination for Macedonian companies is Belgium or the northern part of Germany. If you also drive to these countries, please see our tips on the two most common transit routes.

Option 1 is route through Croatia and Slovenia

For a long time, you can find the cheapest fuel in Croatia. In this country the diesel price is regulated by the Government and every two weeks, we are sending you a price list.
But unfortunately, Macedonian companies cannot refund the VAT and therefore they would pay a gross price.

Therefore, our recommendation is to refuel in Slovenia and whenever you are able to use the stations off the highway. As we have already informed you, outside the highway, the Government of Slovenia regulates the prices and at all fuel stations outside the highway the price of diesel is significantly cheaper.
The difference between the gross price in Croatia and the net price in Slovenia is almost 10cent/l.

Option 2 is route through Slovakia and Czech Republic

On this route, only the final destination Belgium refund the VAT to Macedonian companies.
However, the price of diesel in this country is much more expensive than other countries.
Our recommendation is to refuel at ONO fuel stations in Czechia, where although VAT is not refunded, the gross price of diesel is less than 1.5 per liter.

Another option for you is Slovakia on Slovnaft fuel stations.

For any route in Europe, the lowest prices can be seen in the route planner, on the DKV site only for all users.
Please log in and just write your starting and final destination on DKV Maps

Аs always, you can give us a call and we can help you with refueling advice for any route.

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