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Luxembourg: Gas station networks with advantageous prices

If you are driving in Luxembourg in the near future, we have all the information you need for a smooth journey.

What are the gas station networks where you can fill up at advantageous prices

In Luxembourg, the recommended stations are ESSO EXPRESS, Lukoil and Q8.

How you can pay tolls in Luxembourg

If you pass through Luxembourg on your travels or even if this is your destination, you must know what obligations you have in terms of paying road taxes.

Heavy vehicles, with a total mass of 12 tones or more, must pay a tax called the Eurovignette. But there is an exception: means of transport for people such as buses or coaches do not pay.

The Eurovignette can be purchased with the Affinity-DKV card.

How you can recover the VAT related to the road tax

The VAT recovery service is available in two variants:

Normal repayment: Affinity helps you collect your money from the tax authorities more easily. Basically, we claim the VAT quickly and hassle-free for you.
Reimbursement on the invoice: The customer has the possibility to recover the VAT directly on the invoice from Affinity. Thus, the VAT money is immediately transferred to your account and you can use it for your business.

Benefits for the customer

  • Processing of documents and reimbursement requests is fast;
  • You have the option of choosing to reimburse external VAT and excise duties quarterly or annually;
  • You benefit from advice and guidance throughout the contractual period;
  • The Affinity team is like an extension of your financial team;
  • Access to specialized services with a high degree of expertise

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