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FAQ – Belgium Tolls

Q: When is the new toll system to be implemented in Belgium?

A: Belgium will implement the new toll system on 1st April 2016

Q: Which is the safest On Board Unit (OBU) solution that will work starting from 1st April 2016?

A: As it stands, the only toll OBU which will definitely be fully operational on 1st of April 2016 is the OBU from the operator Satellic. Affinity can register and order this OBU for you.

Q: Are there any other box solutions, like the interoperable box?

A: DKV Euro Service is skeptical that the interoperable OBU from operator will work from the 1st of April 2016 in Belgium.

Taken from official sources (see publication of VIAPASS http://www.viapass.be/en/eets/) it states that the current solutions offered for interoperable OBU’s won´t be certified officially until 1st of April 2016. There is also the possibility and risk that the interoperable boxes won´t be accepted from a toll charger.

Q: When it is expected that the interoperable OBU’s will be effective?

A:  It could be that in future the interoperable OBU’s may be accepted by the Belgian toll operator, but for the moment most of the interoperable OBU’s are in testing phases (test phase 1-2 from a total of 4 required tests) and then certifications are required.

Based on DKV’s long experience in the toll business and the required processes for OBU certification, DKV are skeptical that the certifications can be done before 1st of April 2016.

Q: What happens if a vehicle over 3,5t is not equipped with a functional box in Belgium starting with 01.04.2016?

A:  With effect from the 1st April mobile control vehicles will be on the roads and vehicles found without a functional OBU will be fined (1.000 €).

Q:  What is DKV recommendation in regards to the Belgian tolls settlements starting with 01.04.2016?

A:   DKV recommends that we advise our customers to select the most secure option available, and not to risk any fine payments. This recommendation would be to choose the the fully operational and certified box of toll operator Satellic

It is very likely that other available solutions, like the interoperable OBU, will not get the required certifications in time for the launch of the new toll system.  If businesses decided to wait there is a huge risk that there will not be sufficient time to delivery of toll boxes from toll operator Satellic.

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