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DKV offers electronic invoice data processing

ZUGFeRD calculation avoids incorrect entries, saves time and speeds up further processing

DKV customers can now have their electronic DKV invoice processed automatically in their accounting system. To do this, an XML data record is added to the PDF invoice; nothing changes to the original PDF invoice. The automatic transfer of invoice data avoids errors and the accelerated posting saves time.

The so-called ZUGFeRD invoice (Central User Guide of the Forum elektronische Rechnung Deutschland) consists of a visual representation of the invoice (pdf file) and the invoice information as a structured and automatically evaluable data set (XML file). “Many providers of accounting and ERP software already support ZUGFeRD, so that many of our customers can immediately switch to automatic invoice data processing,” says Dr. Werner Grünewald, Managing Director of DKV Euro Service and responsible for Finance. “The conversion of the invoice to the new format is automatic and the customer does not have to worry about anything. If you do not yet use the new format, you can continue to use the invoices sent to you as usual.”

For more information on the data model and the providers of ZUGFeRD contact us at: affinity.ro@delamode-group.com

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What are the most dangerous roads in Europe

We have created for you a summary of the latest report from the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC).

The report highlights the causes of these accidents, identifies issues with different types of road infrastructure, and lists the most important road safety recommendations from the ETSC for EU member states.

We invite you to download the .pdf file by filling-in the form.


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